Member-only story
BDSM Sex Story, Erotica
Spanking the Submissive to her Happy Place
Master grants Slave’s special request as reward for earlier good behaviour - but at a price
Slave twiddled her thumbs while standing before Master in his office.
“What is it, slave?”
She opened her mouth to answer him but instead looked away. She couldn’t get the words out.
“Say it, slave,” Master commanded.
She tried again. “I wondered, I just, I know it’s not my place to ask,”
He regarded her sternly.
“I would like to go to my happy place, Sir, if I could.”
Master nodded slowly. “Your happy place? I see. So tell me, where is this happy place of yours?”
If slave hadn’t been blushing already, she definitely was now.
“It’s when you spank me, Sir.” She stared at the floor.
“Okay, so just a spanking. Then go get the whip.” An amused grin began to form around his lips.
Slave had to explain it further.
“Not just the spanking, Master. Do you remember that time when you had tied me up after a spanking? That felt so good.” She glanced up at him shyly…