Member-only story

Golden Silence
He liked to toy with me, to play with my senses. Like the one time he had used noise-cancelling headphones.
All day he had been sending me cryptic messages.
Tonight you shall feel but not hear.
Hearing is the most disposable of all the senses.
Okay, maybe they were obvious, but upon receiving them I didn’t know what they were about. We often tried new things and I liked how he got all hyped up about his own ideas.
He was all into it that evening when I opened the door.
‘Hi,’ I said. He did not reply, merely held his finger in front of his mouth as in the international symbol for silence. He then pulled me into his arms and put that mouth on mine. My heart fluttered at this intro. He walked into the living room as he would on any other visit. He made himself comfortable in the big chair.
Not wanting to sign for a question, I poured him his scotch as usual. He watched my every move and did not protest when I put his glass in front of him. I took my glass of water and sat down opposite of him. No alcohol for me on the nights we were together. I waited for him to make a move.
He took his time. Just watching me, he leisurely drank his whiskey. His eyes smiled the whole time. I tugged my skirt straight, drew circles around the rim of the glass, studied…